DCM2 service 2 of 2 Ac completed changed (1) 16x20x1 (1) 16x25x1 filters, tested system operation’s everything is operating properly at this time attached is Ac maintenance checklist.
Arrived to No Cool Thermostat has completely failed. Reading 77* ( actually 71* ) with a set temp of 68. Thermostat was not calling for Cool. Replaced thermostat and tested system in Cool, Heat. Emergency Heat and Fan only. System functions as designed. AC diagnostics photos attached
Arrived to no heat, found 5amp fuse blown, replaced fuse, system is now fully functional and operating within manufacturer design at this time.
No a/c in showroom system above drop ceiling, found that the pump was full of water and pump was not running it did not have power, found that it was unplugged after searching it’s source down, pump is now pumping checked operation and found that the condenser fan capacitor was swollen and reading 0, replaced and checked operation system is running at this time.
Heat maintenance on 2-systems in Snellville