DCM1: Heat complete, replaced 16x20x1 filter. System is heating at this time and refrigerant temperatures and pressures are appropriate for indoor and outdoor temperatures. Indoor and outdoor capacitors are both out of manufacture range but are still operating at this time. 10- 8.9, 45/5- 32/4.2. Indoor coils and blower are dirty, do not recommend cleaning indoor coils due to rust build up and potentially causing a leak. Outdoor disconnect has been bypassed only way to turn the system off is at the electrical panel inside. Recommend adding union and clean out before p-trap to prevent sludge from building up in trap will also insulate p trap to prevent sweating in the summer. System looked to previously be zoned but upstairs thermostat is unwired. Recommend zoning for comfortability upstairs will not be the same temperature as main floor with out zoning. Upstairs will be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. System is 11 y/o, warranty went out in 12/24. Need to reach out t
DCM1 complete; Heat; (1) F16201 replaced. System was zoned atone time, zone board and zone dampers have been disconnected. Upstairs thermostat is non-operational Unable to complete outdoor portion of maintenance. Vegetation is overgrown around outdoor unit and yellow jackets have a ground hive ( stung twice while approaching unit and tenant stated landscaping crew was complaining about same issue ). Need to remove vegetation and get an exterminator to remove yellow jackets before returning. AHU heat sequencer has failed. Only one of two electric strip heat are energizing. Emergency heat isn’t wired in at the thermostat.