Been using their company for over 15 years.
Found filter clogged and outside unit stopped up, needs to be cleaned. Checked pressures and Freon is low. Unit needs to be cleaned to get correct pressures. The owner said unit had Freon added last year. Owner does not want anything done at this time.
Homeowner reported possible leakage from secondary drain. No water found in drain pan nor the drain or beside it. Water marks and wetness were found on the sheetrock below where the flu vent penetrates the roof. (Photo attached)
Arrived to No Cool Thermostat had reset the factory defaults. System was running a schedule set for 78*. Set clock and programmed schedule. Removed thermostat from wall and thermostat maintained memory and updated presets. Diagnostics photos attached.
Arrived to find out door unit not operating, found 30+5mfd dual capacitor bad. It was swollen and busted it looked to be the original capacitor. I replaced 30+5mfd, unit came on and I let it run for a while and it’s operating properly, unit is R410A and has age on it, I recommend to begin thinking about replacing.
Arrived to No Cool Primary drain line was clogged causing water safety to trip and turn off system. Cleared drain line and system functions as designed. High level of sediment in the P-trap, possibly caused by single return duct falling off the return plenum. Installing company had only used tape to secure the return duct to the return plenum. Secured return duct with screws.
DCM1: AC complete, replaced (1)16x25x1 filter. System is fully functional and operating within manufacturer specifications at this time. Refrigerant pressures and temperatures are appropriate for outdoor and indoor weather conditions. Photos and maintenance checklist attached.
Removed old equipment and installed new Rheem 15 seer full gas system. Installed new supply plenum, new return plenum wit 16x25x4 filter, new emergency drain pan, new pan safety switch, new coil safety switch, new thermostat, new composite pad for outdoor unit, and new surge protector. Reconnected high voltage, low voltage, drain line, gas line, vent pipe, and all duct work. Tested system operations in heating and cooling, set proper charge.
DCM1 : AC complete, replaced (1) 16x25x4 filter. System is fully functional and operating within manufacturer specifications at this time, refrigerant pressures and temperatures are appropriate for outdoor and indoor weather conditions. Maintenance checklist attached. Noticed outdoor system didn’t have a surge protector, offered homeowner surge protector and asked if we could send it over.
Quoted a new conditioner and gas furnace
Call for no cooling and water leaking in the attic, found that the system is very low on charge and the drain line is possibly clogged, system is in very poor condition and appears to not have had maintenance in many years, due to age, condition, efficiency, type of refrigerant and the fact that it has been phased out as of January 1, 2020, Homeowner scheduled a Comfort Advisor.