DCM2 : AC complete, checked (2) 16x25x4 filters. Systems are both fully functional and operating within manufacturer specifications at this time, temperatures and pressures are appropriate for outdoor and indoor weather conditions. Maintenance checklist attached.
Installed new igniter in upstairs system, tested system, functions as designed Installed ecobee thermostats provided by homeowner, tested both systems, functions as designed Schedule maintenance plan to start with A/C service in April/May.
Arrived to no heat, identified faulty thermostat on the downstairs unit. Battery leads have corroded causing connection failure from the batteries, homeowner is aware but is interested in installing Ecobee thermostat advised homeowner that she will need a power extender kit due to the lack of a C wire, identified faulty igniter on upstairs furnace, measured 0 ohms of resistance through the igniter, confirmed proper board operation, receiving 120v at igniter from control board, model number and serial number attached.